A320/B737 Type Rating Course

The A320/B737 Type Rating course at Aerosmart is designed to provide aspiring pilots with the skills and knowledge needed to operate the aircraft safely and efficiently. Our comprehensive training program is tailored to meet the requirements of aviation authorities and is conducted by experienced and highly qualified instructors. Our Type Rating course is suitable for pilots with a range of experience levels, from those just starting their careers to experienced pilots looking to gain additional certifications or refresh their skills. Our instructors will work closely with each student to ensure that they receive the best possible training experience, tailored to their individual needs.

Recurrent and Refresher Training

Recurrent and Refresher training course at Aerosmart is designed to provide experienced pilots with the knowledge and skills needed to maintain their proficiency in operating the aircraft. Our comprehensive training program is conducted by experienced and highly qualified instructors who are dedicated to providing our students with the best possible training experience. The Recurrent and Refresher training course is suitable for pilots who are already certified to operate the aircraft and need to maintain their proficiency. The course covers a range of topics, including aircraft systems, performance, procedures, and regulations. Our students will learn about the latest updates and changes to systems and procedures, ensuring they remain up-to-date with the latest industry developments.


The RNP AR APCH training course at Aerosmart is designed to provide pilots with the knowledge and skills necessary to operate aircraft using Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required (RNP AR) procedures. Our course is conducted by experienced and highly qualified instructors who are dedicated to providing our students with the best possible training experience. Our RNP AR APCH training course is suitable for pilots with a range of experience levels, from those just starting their careers to experienced pilots looking to gain additional certifications or refresh their skills. The course covers a range of topics, including aircraft systems, performance, procedures, and regulations, with a focus on RNP AR procedures.

Category C Airport Training

The Category 'C' Airport Training course at Aerosmart is designed to provide airport personnel with the necessary knowledge and skills to operate and manage a Category 'C' airport safely and efficiently. Our course is conducted by experienced instructors who have worked in the aviation industry for many years and are passionate about sharing their knowledge with others. Our Category 'C' Airport Training course covers a range of topics, including airport operations, safety and security, ground handling, air traffic control, and emergency response. Participants will learn about the various regulations and procedures that apply to Category 'C' airports and how to apply them in practice. The course also covers the latest technology and equipment used in modern airports.

Command Assessment

The Command Assessment Training (CAT) program at Aerosmart is designed to provide pilots with the necessary knowledge and skills to assume command of commercial aircraft. Our program is conducted by experienced instructors who have extensive experience in airline operations and are passionate about sharing their knowledge with others. Our CAT program covers a range of topics, including decision-making, communication, crew resource management, situational awareness, and leadership. Participants will learn about the latest techniques and best practices used in commercial aviation and how to apply them in practice. The program also covers the latest regulations and procedures related to airline operations and safety.

Corrective Training (Post Incident Training)

Corrective Training, also known as post-incident training, is a critical component of our training programs at Aerosmart. Our corrective training program is designed to help pilots and aviation personnel learn from mistakes and incidents, and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to prevent similar incidents in the future. Our corrective training program covers a range of topics, including incident analysis, risk management, communication, and decision-making. Participants will learn how to identify the root causes of incidents and develop strategies to prevent them from happening again. The program also emphasizes the importance of communication and teamwork in preventing incidents and improving safety in the aviation industry.

Instructor Standardization

Instructor Standardisation is a critical component of our training programs at Aerosmart. Our Instructor Standardisation program is designed to ensure that all of our instructors are delivering consistent and high-quality training to our students, regardless of the location or the type of training being delivered. Our Instructor Standardisation program covers a range of topics, including instructional techniques, communication, risk management, and regulatory compliance. Participants will learn the latest techniques and best practices used in aviation training and how to apply them in practice. The program also covers the latest regulations and procedures related to aviation training and safety.

Jet Orientation – Ab Initio

Jet Orientation is an essential part of our training programs at Aerosmart. Our Jet Orientation program, also known as Ab-Initio, is designed to help pilots transition from basic aircraft to commercial jet aircraft. Our Jet Orientation program covers a range of topics, including aircraft systems, flight instruments, automation, and procedures specific to jet aircraft. Participants will learn how to operate and manage the complex systems of modern jet aircraft and develop the necessary skills to become a competent and confident commercial pilot.

Low Visibility Operations Training

Low Visibility Operations (LVO) or Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) training is a crucial component of our training programs at Aerosmart. Our LVO/LVP training program is designed to help pilots and flight crew members develop the necessary skills and knowledge to operate aircraft safely and efficiently in low visibility conditions, such as fog, mist, or heavy rain. Our program covers a range of topics, including weather phenomena, flight planning, navigation, and aircraft handling techniques specific to low visibility operations. Participants will learn how to identify and mitigate risks associated with low visibility conditions, and develop the necessary skills to execute safe and successful operations in these situations

Landing Incursions Training

Landing Incursions Training is a critical component of our training programs at Aerosmart. Our Landing Incursions Training program is designed to help pilots develop the necessary skills and knowledge to handle challenging landing situations, including crosswind landings, contaminated runway landings, and go-arounds. Our program covers a range of topics, including aircraft handling techniques, decision-making processes, and safety procedures specific to these challenging landing situations. Participants will learn how to identify and mitigate risks associated with crosswind landings, contaminated runway landings, and go-arounds, and develop the necessary skills to execute safe and successful landings in these situations.

Sim Grading for New Recruits

SIM (Simulator) Grading for New Recruits is an important component of our training programs at Aerosmart. Our SIM Grading program is designed to assess the skills and knowledge of new recruits and provide them with feedback on their performance in simulated flight situations. Our program covers a range of topics, including aircraft handling techniques, decision-making processes, and safety procedures specific to simulated flight situations. Participants will be assessed on their ability to operate the aircraft safely and efficiently in various simulated scenarios.


UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training) is a critical training program designed to prepare pilots to recognize, prevent, and recover from aircraft upsets caused by unusual attitudes or unexpected events. UPRT is essential for enhancing pilots' safety awareness and improving their handling skills, thereby reducing the risk of aviation accidents. Our UPRT program at Aerosmart is designed to provide pilots with the knowledge and skills to prevent and recover from aircraft upsets in a controlled and safe environment. The program covers a range of topics, including theoretical and practical training on aircraft systems, aerodynamics, stall recovery techniques, and advanced maneuvers.

MCC (Multi-Crew Cooperation)

MCC (Multi-Crew Cooperation) training is a critical training program designed to prepare pilots to work effectively in a multi-crew environment, which is common in commercial aviation. This training is essential for enhancing pilots' safety awareness and improving their teamwork and communication skills, thereby reducing the risk of aviation accidents. At Aerosmart, our MCC program is designed to provide pilots with the knowledge and skills to operate effectively as part of a multi-crew team. The program covers a range of topics, including crew resource management, communication, decision-making, and leadership.