Cabin Crew Emergency Evacuation Trainer (CEET)

At Aerosmart, we offer a state-of-the-art Cabin Crew Emergency Evacuation Trainer (CEET) designed to train and prepare cabin crew members for emergency situations. Our CEET simulates realistic emergency scenarios and provides practical training for cabin crew members to handle emergency situations safely and efficiently. Our CEET is designed to simulate a range of emergencies, such as fire, smoke, and decompression, and provides a realistic environment for cabin crew members to practice their emergency procedures. Our training facility includes a fully-equipped cabin with an overhead bin, seats, and safety equipment, as well as realistic visual and sound effects to create an immersive training experience.

Fire Fighting Training

At Aerosmart, we offer a state-of-the-art Real Fire Fighting Trainer (RFFT) designed to provide realistic training scenarios for firefighters in the aviation industry. Our RFFT is a critical component of our training programs and ensures that firefighters are well-equipped to handle real-life emergency situations. Our RFFT is equipped with various training scenarios and features, including simulated aircraft fires, electrical fires, fuel spills, and hazardous materials incidents. We also provide realistic visual and sound effects to create an immersive training experience for firefighters. Our RFFT provides hands-on training to firefighters and ensures that they are well-prepared to handle various types of emergencies. Our training program covers a range of topics, including incident command, firefighting tactics, safety procedures, and communications.

Door Operations Training

At Aerosmart, we offer a Door Operation Trainer designed specifically for the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 aircraft. Our Door Operation Trainer is a critical component of our training programs and ensures that cabin crew members are well-equipped to handle the opening, closing, and emergency operation of aircraft doors. Our Door Operation Trainer is a realistic representation of aircraft doors, including all necessary controls, such as emergency releases, slide deployment systems, and door handles. Our trainers provide hands-on guidance and support, ensuring that cabin crew members are familiar with the operation of the aircraft doors and can handle emergency situations quickly and efficiently.

Ditching Drill

At Aerosmart, we offer a comprehensive Ditching Drill training program designed to prepare pilots and cabin crew members for emergency landing situations on water. Our training program is designed to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle a water landing in a calm, efficient, and professional manner. Our Ditching Drill training program includes hands-on training in our state-of-the-art simulator, which provides a realistic representation of an aircraft in water landing scenarios. Our simulators are equipped with realistic visual and sound effects to create an immersive experience, ensuring that individuals are well-prepared to handle emergency situations in a real-life scenario. During our Ditching Drill training program, individuals will learn essential skills, including emergency procedures, life raft deployment, life jacket operation, and evacuation techniques. Our experienced trainers provide personalized guidance and support throughout the training program, ensuring that individuals are confident and prepared to handle any situation.

Over Wing Exit Training

At Aerosmart, we offer a comprehensive Over Wing Exit Trainer (OWE) training program designed to provide pilots and cabin crew members with hands-on training in handling emergency situations involving over-wing exits. Our program is designed to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle over-wing exit situations in a calm, efficient, and professional manner. Our OWE training program includes hands-on training in our state-of-the-art simulator, which provides a realistic representation of an aircraft and over-wing exit situations. Our simulators are equipped with realistic visual and sound effects to create an immersive experience, ensuring that individuals are well-prepared to handle emergency situations in a real-life scenario. During our OWE training program, individuals will learn essential skills, including emergency procedures, evacuation techniques, and over-wing exit operation. Our experienced trainers provide personalized guidance and support throughout the training program, ensuring that individuals are confident and prepared to handle any situation.

Incapacitation Training

At Aerosmart, we understand the importance of preparing pilots and crew members to handle emergency situations involving incapacitated individuals. Our Incapacitation Training program is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and manage situations where a crew member or passenger may be incapacitated. Our training program includes a comprehensive overview of the signs and symptoms of different medical conditions that could lead to incapacitation, including heart attacks, strokes, and seizures. We also provide hands-on training in administering basic first aid and CPR, allowing individuals to respond quickly and effectively to medical emergencies. In addition to medical emergencies, our Incapacitation Training program also covers emergency procedures in case of unexpected crew member incapacitation during a flight. We provide guidance on how to communicate with air traffic control, manage the situation in the cockpit, and coordinate with other crew members to safely land the aircraft.

Extended Door Trainer Training

At Aerosmart, we offer comprehensive Extended Door Trainer (EDT) Training for both the A320 and B737 aircrafts. Our EDT training program is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to operate the aircraft's emergency exits in various emergency situations. Our experienced trainers provide hands-on training on a realistic replica of the aircraft door, allowing individuals to practice opening and closing the emergency exit in a variety of different scenarios, including during an emergency evacuation, in high winds, or in low-visibility conditions. Our EDT simulators are equipped with advanced technology, including smoke generators and sound effects, to create a realistic training environment. In addition to emergency exit operation, our EDT training program covers a wide range of topics related to emergency procedures, including evacuation commands, cabin crew communication, and passenger management during an emergency. We also provide guidance on how to manage unexpected situations, such as disabled or uncooperative passengers.